Our third day in California was pretty busy. This was our day to do all of the little things we wanted to do. Prior to leaving for California I told Dom that Beverly Hills was one places I definitely wanted to check out during our trip, and this was the day we did it.

When we got there, we immediately started walking around to try and find Rodeo Drive. Looking back now, I think we may have walked past Rodeo a few times before we found the iconic strip, but it was nice because Beverly Hills was shopping galore and we spent a lot of time wandering in and out of the boutiques. Once we got to Rodeo, we went in and past the designer shops. It was beautiful and clean, and almost reminded me of the California version of Worth Avenue in Palm Beach. The cobblestone on Rodeo’s streets was beautiful. I felt like I was roaming the streets of some fancy place in Europe.
I’m not going to lie, my favorite part of Beverly Hills was probably getting to go to Sprinkles Cupcake & Creamery. The last time I had Sprinkles was March of 2014 Spring Break in New York and man, I had been feening for those sweets. We were walking back towards our car when I spotted Sprinkles from a few blocks away. Needless to say, we decided to take a detour and grab some sweets.
The Sprinkles I had gone to in New York did not have an ice cream shop as well, which was something that stood out to me in Beverly Hills. This Sprinkles also had a cupcake ATM! A cupcake machine! I loved it. I got two cupcakes, and Dom got this huge ice cream sandwich from the ice cream store.
As we were leaving, we drove past the Beverly Hills Police Department and it immediately made me think of Beverly Hills 90210 or Beverly Hills Cop haha.
Overall, I think we both enjoyed driving around Beverly Hills and checking out Rodeo Drive. There are a few things in Beverly Hills we weren’t able to see before heading to our next stop, the Griffith Observatory, but I had a lot of fun. Have you been to Beverly Hills? What did you think?
The Comments
I was thinking of the song Beverly Hills by Weezer when reading this post 😀