During my undergrad at the University of Florida, I was required to do an internship in order to graduate. In August of 2017, I heard back from my favorite curly company ever, DevaCurl, about interning with their communications team for the Fall 2017 semester. When opportunities happen, you run with them. And that’s what I did. Within a week, I packed my bags, hopped in the car and started my new journey in New York City. Moving to a new state can be scary (even with family all around).. but doesn’t have to be. I’ve listed a few great tips that helped me get acclimated to New York for my internship.
Don’t Be Afraid To Do Things Alone
When I moved to New York Fall of 2017 for my internship, I didn’t really know anyone. Yes, I have family all of New York. Yes, I had old friends who were in New York doing the same thing I was doing. But I didn’t have any close friends, so a lot of the time I was there I spent wandering the Big Apple alone. This was an opportunity for me to learn more about the area I was working in, New York in general, and learn about myself. When I first got there, I had to accept the fact that I was going to be doing lunch alone. I had to realize that I was my only friend on my 2-hour commute (each way!) every day. But it helped me grow. I’ve never had any major issues doing things on my own, but this experience solidified that.
Take a Weekend to Explore
This was one of the first things I did when I got to New York. I was living in upper Westchester and paying for the monthly Metro North pass to and from the city, so why not take advantage? I hopped on the train to Grand Central and spent the day in the city. On foot. I went from Midtown to Central Park, from Central Park to Hunter College. All along the way I’d stop in stores, at bakeries, along the park. After, I hopped on the train downtown to explore. I did this a couple of times. I wanted to familiarize myself with the city.
Ask Locals for Help
I was born in New York and lived there until I was 10. I’ve taken multiple trips to New York, with family, friends, and solo. But nothing prepares you for a city like waking up in the hustle on a daily basis… or asking the locals for help. Don’t be ashamed! We all need help sometimes. I’ve walked the streets of NYC hundreds of times but definitely got lost on the regular. That’s part of the fun. Every wrong corner I’d turn there would be something new and exciting that I didn’t know about before. I’d almost go out of my way to talk to the locals. I wanted to know the best places to get cupcakes (yes, I am obsessed), how to get to the location I needed to be at faster, etc. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your co-workers. My DevaCurl family was the absolute best and would tell me all the great spots to head to. The worst someone can do is ignore you or say no.
Use the Internet to Your Advantage
We live in the 21st century and that means almost all of us have 24/7 access to the internet. Make websites like Yelp! and Google your new best friends. During my first couple of weeks at my internship, Google was my best friend. Every day on my train ride into the city or during my lunch break I’d Google what was going on around the area that I was working, and I’d take the time to explore. As I’d walk around the city, if I saw a restaurant that peaked my interest or pop-up shop I hadn’t heard about, I’d do my Googles.
So yeah, these are some of the few takeaways I had after moving to a new state to do an internship. Have any other tips? Leave them below!
The Comments
RaSheba J
This was a great read. I especially loved that you started with don’t be afraid to do things alone,as I feel that, that is an issue with a lot of people. They are afraid to do things alone, especially if it hasn’t been done before.
Jillaine Henry
> RaSheba JThanks girly. It’s true- doing things alone can be SO hard but so worth it once you do it!