How To: Survive Your First Vacation As A Couple

The Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, California
So, you’re thinking of traveling with your boo?
And there are probably a million questions running through your head.
“Should I do it?”
“What should you know?”
“How am I going to survive!”
While traveling with your partner can be the absolute best, don’t forget that not everything is going to be picture perfect. Traveling is exhausting and people get grouchy. But traveling as a couple can be a lot of fun. Here’s what to know before you go.
Make A Rough Itinerary Beforehand
Try to craft some kind of itinerary before packing your bags. Sit down and ask each other, “what do you want to do?” and compare notes. Just something to keep in mind for when you touch down. That way you make sure to incorporate things that you both want to do during your travels. Before Dom and I left for Los Angeles for five days, we talked about all of the different things we were interested in and wanted to see or experience.
He loves basketball and wanted to check out the Staples Center, and I wanted to tour Paramount Studios, so we made sure to fit these things in. We both wanted to check out Venice Beach, Santa Monica, and the Hollywood Hills, so this were sure places we were going to. Doing this just makes things a bit easier, at least the first time around.
Be Open Minded
This is huge. If you’re going to be traveling with your boo, you need to be open-minded. Traveling with your boyfriend isn’t all swoon-worthy Instagram selfies and cute couples pictures (although having a photographer on hand is great). The both of you are not always going to want to do the same things. You will have to make compromises. People tend to only think about what seem to be the positives with travel, and forget about things such as the booking flights, navigating new areas, jet lag, etc. Things that produce stress.
Let Things Go
Traveling has a way of raining on someone’s parade, and men and women have different ways of reacting to that stress. What if you miss a flight? Or the car rental doesn’t go as planned? I have a tendency of, uhm, freaking out… (bless Dom and his patience) so learn from me and my mistakes. If something’s not going as planned- stop, take a deep breath and have some patience. I promise everything is going to be alright.

Santa Monica, California
When Dom and I were in Santa Monica, we went to Pier Burger and then had some fun at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier. Did we have a little bit of an argument on our way to Santa Monica about who was going to drive where? Yeah. Did we let that bother us once we got there? Of course not! We weren’t going to let something so silly ruin a great time.
Enjoy Each Other’s Company
Traveling will test you both as a couple and individually. And you’re going to learn things about yourself and about your partner. A lot can go wrong, which can produce stress (which means you’re not necessarily your best self!). But it’s worth it and will probably be some of the best fun you have. It’s an amazing way to connect, share experiences, and learn about each other.
Thinking of traveling with your significant other? Let me know where in the comments below! Oh, and… Happy Valentines Day. 😉