I don’t remember when I was hit with the wanderlust bug. Growing up, my mother and I would frequent Florida to visit family and of course, Walt Disney World.
I think the inclination to explore is something that was instilled in me growing up. My family would always tell my cousins and I that the world was ours and that we were going to do everything that we wanted to do. It’s safe to say that these ideologies stuck.
“If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler then mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet.” – Patrick Rothfuss
As I continue to dream about where my next gelato cone will come from, these destinations are places to keep in mind when I’m ready to book my next flight.
Last April, I was on a plane going to New York for a work event. It was early, I was tired. I was seated next to an older woman. Upon descent, her and I started talking. She was over 80-years-old, on her way to visit her children and grandchildren in Canada.
We started talking and I mentioned to her that in four days from then, I’d be descending to Europe for a month, by myself, to explore. She was born in Morocco and raised in Greece, filled with life and eager to tell me more. Prior to our arrival in New York, she turned to me and said, “yia-yia, call me yia-yia. I am your new Greek grandmother.” I tried connecting with her on Facebook, but was unable to find her account.
I want to live my Mamma Mia moment in Greece. I want to stay in those little houses and blast Abba every day. Acclimated to warm, beach-y weather, with water so blue you’d think it’s a swimming pool, the Greek Islands seem to be something everyone should experience. From what I’ve been told, Greek people are some of the nicest people you will meet. Between the rich history and beautiful scenery, Greece is a must-see for me.
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My friends and family are probably tired of hearing me talk about this, but man do I want to go back to Portugal. Last spring, I spent six days in the country while backpacking through Europe and had the best time ever. This underrated country has left a lasting impression on me.
From hiking mountains, to catching some sun on the beautiful beaches, to exploring the cities and everything in between, Portugal really has it all. Although I would go back to Lisbon in a heartbeat, next time around I’d love to visit the north of Portugal, south of Lisbon and some of its surrounding islands.
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During my backpacking trip last year, one of my stops was in Lisbon. The hostel I was staying at offered day trips to Sintra and I obviously opted in to join. I believe there were nine of us going on the tour and one of the participants was a man from Bangkok. He was a joy – a middle aged professor at a university in Bangkok who traveled to Portugal to pick up a puppy.
Throughout the day, he showed me pictures of where he’s from, told me stories about growing up in Thailand and recommended the beautiful country be added to my travel list. Thailand seems like a backpackers paradise. With a lot of beautiful things to see, fun stuff to do, and delicious food to eat, this country has landed its way into my No. 1 spot of places I’d like to visit.
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If I am being honest, Peru was not on my radar until my supervisor at my old workplace asked me if I wanted to go. Unfortunately we weren’t able to make it there, but plan on visiting as soon as I can. I find Peru to be the perfect place to intro myself to South America. The country is filled with history – did you know that Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911? Crazy, right? With tons of Peruvian cuisine, jungle adventures, the rainbow mountains and llamas – lot’s of llamas – to explore, Peru is one of the top destinations I’d like to hit in 2019.
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Vastly different from anywhere else I’ve ever been, I have been keen to visit Morocco.
Marrakech, specifically, has been in the back of my mind for quite some time now, and my boyfriend has mentioned his desire to go somewhere with lots and lots of sand. All I can think about is the beautiful architecture, tiles and food that I would experience on a trip there. I can only imagine the sheer culture contrast and sensory overload I’ll experience upon arrival. Although I enjoy traveling alone, Morocco would be a fun place for my boyfriend and I to travel to together.
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Although I haven’t been all over the world, I’m still young and have ample time to explore. This list serves as a constant reminder to never stop doing the things I want to do.
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Lets go ride some camels!
Jillaine Henry
> Anonymous…Let’s go!
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